Student Records Requests
If this is a public records request, please visit the Public Records Requests page.
If you are looking for a WPS High School transcript, or the permanent records for a graduate of Westborough High School, please submit a Alumni Transcript Request Form.
If a student has transferred from Westborough Public Schools to your district, and you're looking for that student's active academic records, please contact that school's front office:
School | Grade Levels | Contact |
Armstrong Elementary | K-3 | 508-836-7760 |
Fales Elementary | K-3 | 508-836-7770 |
Hastings Elementary | K-3 | 508-836-7750 |
Mill Pond Elementary | 4-6 | 508-836-7780 |
Gibbons Middle | 7-8 | 508-836-7740 |
Westborough High | 9-12 | 508-836-7720 |