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Names - Legal and Preferred

Names - Legal and Familiar

Student Legal and Preferred Names at WPS

Legal Name / Birth Name / Formal Name

A student’s Formal Name, Birth Name or Legal Name, is exactly as it appears on the student’s birth certificate and/or passport.

A student’s birth certificate or passport must be reviewed and verified during school registration to prove custody and residency.

Preferred Name / Chosen Name / Familiar Name

A student may have a Familiar Name, a Preferred Name, or a Chosen Name that differs from the student’s Legal Name. If the student goes by this name in most or all cases, and would like to be known by that name at WPS, WPS will also collect and use that name.

An individual may adopt a name that is different from the name that appears on his or her birth certificate, provided the change of name is done for an honest reason, with no fraudulent intent. Nothing more formal than usage is required.


Hide my legal name

The student, or the student’s guardian(s) may request that the student’s Legal Name be hidden. The student’s legal name will be kept in a secure location, and only used for rare cases such as for legal or court documents or orders, or if needed for a thorough student reference search.

Don’t hide my legal name

When WPS maintains both a legal name and a preferred name for a student, and the legal name is not hidden, WPS will use the student’s legal name on the student’s diploma, transcripts, and in state and federal reporting, and will use the student’s familiar name in all other places.