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Public Records Requests


This page is for public records requests. For student records requests for your permanent record if you are a WPS graduate, or for active student transfer records, please see Student Records Requests.

The Massachusetts Public Records Law (Public Records Law) and its Regulations provide that each person has a right of access to public information. This right of access includes the right to inspect, copy or have copies of records provided upon the payment of a reasonable fee.

See A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law 2017, published by the Office of The Secretary of State, for an outline of the law, an FAQ, and allowable exemptions.

Records may not be requested for a commercial purpose.

Making a Request

All requests of Westborough Public School for public records must be directed to the WPS RAO.  The RAO has up to 10 days to provide a response to the request and is only required to provide records that are in existence. Under the updated Public Records Law, RAOs are required to provide public records in an electronic format, unless the record is not available electronically or the requester does not have the ability to receive or access electronic formats.

Please submit your records request via the WPS Public Records Request Form.  
Alternatively, you may make submit written requests in person, or submit them through the postal mail, by fax, or through electronic mail to A reasonable description of the document(s) requested should be provided, to assist the RAO in identifying the requested documents.

Records Access Officer
Westborough Public Schools
45 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581

Phone: 508-836-7700 ext. 2024

Fax: 508-836-7704

Some records maintained by the district are exempt from disclosure. If such records are requested, the district will be required to deny the request and will notify you of the reasons for the denial. Some records that will be denied include Student records, certain vital records, criminal record information, personnel or medical files, records that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, certain investigatory law enforcement materials, and proposals and bids prior to the award of a contract. 


The district may charge fees as follows:

  • If a request will take more than two (two) hours, the City may charge a reasonable fee, up to $25 per hour to collect, segregate and redact the documents if necessary.
  • The district is permitted to charge $.05 per paper copy page, or for the cost of a portable storage device.
  • The district will require payment before fulfilling a request.