Illness and School Attendance
Illness and School Attendance
Daily attendance is required by the state of Massachusetts. It is also vital for student success. Student absence for any reason other than illness is strongly discouraged. If your child is going to be absent from school, please refer to your student handbook for the current attendance policy.
Students are expected to arrive to school ready to participate in all
aspects of the curriculum. If for any reason a student cannot fully
participate, especially in either recess or P.E., a note from the
student's healthcare provider is required.
Is my child well enough to be in school?
The following information is not intended as individual medical advice but rather as simple common sense guidelines to follow until you can contact your health care provider.
- FEVER: A fever is generally a sign of infection (bacterial or viral). A child who has a fever of 100.0 or greater should stay home from school. If he or she requires medication such as Tylenol or Advil in the morning, please do not send the child to school; when the medication wears off mid-day, the child will most likely feel unwell and others will be exposed to the illness in the meantime. Any child who has had fever should remain at home under observation for the next 24 hours to ensure that the infection has resolved.
- RASH: If your child has an unusual rash or a rash with fever, please keep him or her home from school and contact your health provider.
- STREP THROAT: A child who is being treated for strep throat may return to school 24 hours after beginning medication, as long as he or she is feeling well.
- We are aware that there are other organizations, such as the CDC and AAP, with differing recommendations regarding return to school following a strep infection, and we will continue to follow Massachusetts policy which is included in legal regulation 105 CMR 300 until a change in guidance is made.
- 105 CMR 300 Contains the following on page 20:
- Group A streptococcus, invasive infection
- Persons with streptococcal pharyngitis or skin infections, with or without invasive disease, shall not return to school or child care until at least 24 hours after initiating antimicrobial treatment.
- Group A streptococcus, invasive infection
- VOMITING/DIARRHEA: If the child has had vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours or is unable to eat normally.
Please contact the School Nurse when:
- Your child’s health status changes
- There has been recent serious illness, injury, surgery or hospitalization
- Your child is diagnosed with a contagious condition such as strep throat, chicken pox, whooping cough, lice etc….
- Your child is absent for an extended period of time- 3 days or more
- Your child cannot participate fully in Physical Education
- There are family changes that may affect your child in school