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Head Lice

Head Lice

Head lice infestation (pediculosis) is a common condition in school-aged children. Head lice pose no real health risk to the population, however since the condition can be easily transmitted to others, proper and successful treatment is essential. Our goal is to educate students and parents on proper identification and elimination of head lice and nits. When detected early head lice are easily treated and their spread to others is minimized. Periodic head checks by parents is the most reliable method for controlling lice. 

Bright light, ideally combined with magnification if available, is necessary to be able to spot the lice eggs (nits). Viable eggs are located within the first ½” of the hair shaft close to the scalp. They are very small, sometimes camouflaging to match the pigment of the hair color of the infested person and are often spotted in the hair along the nape of the neck or behind the ears. The eggs attach firmly and must be literally scraped off the hair compared to dandruff which can easily be blown or flicked away. Live lice are much more difficult to spot as they avoid light and can crawl quickly.

If you see something on your child’s hair and are unsure as to whether or not it may be nits, please contact your healthcare provider or your school nurse to assist in identification. School nurses are a great resource as we all have extensive experience with this issue. We will provide you with information on management when a positive identification is made, and ask that you also contact your healthcare provider for any recommendations on medicated shampoos. Children may return to school after being treated, but must be examined by the school nurse before returning to the classroom. As a courtesy, parents should notify close contacts of their children.

In accordance with the recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses, we are no longer screening entire classrooms for head lice as it has not been proven to be effective in dealing with the problem. Screenings involve a large amount of classroom time and when an outbreak is occurring, daily scalp checks over a period of several weeks are necessary. These frequent, thorough scalp checks are best accomplished at home. If you have questions or concerns, please give your school nurse a call.

The CDC's Head Lice webpage has in depth information on head lice and its treatment and prevention.