Westborough Public Schools uses PowerSchool for its student information system. PowerSchool has a Parent Portal, which allows us to share information such as student schedules, attendance, and grades with the parents
of our K12 students. The PowerSchool parent portal is available from any computer that has internet access, including the public library.
When your student started school, you should have received a letter in the first-day packet with instructions on creating your parent portal account, and the Access ID and Access Password you need in order to link your account to your child. If you do not have this letter, please contact your child's school to receive another copy.
Ask for the "PowerSchool Parent Portal access letter."
If you have any questions regarding the use of PowerSchool please contact your child's school office. If you have any technical questions about the use of PowerSchool please send them to ps-parent-support@westboroughk12.org.