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For the 2023-2024 school year Westborough Public Schools is launching ParentSquare, a new school-to-home communications platform that will allow for consistency across our schools. ParentSquare is a simple and engaging platform. Its intuitive layout will improve communications and deepen engagement with our families.

Through ParentSquare you will be able to:

  • Receive all communications from the district and schools in one centralized place
  • Track school and district news, activities and events
  • Choose your preferred mode of communication (text, email, app)
  • Choose to receive messages immediately or all at once at 6PM
  • Choose your preferred language (with improved translation features)
  • Use a family-friendly app with all of this information
  • and much more…

It is highly recommended that you activate your account or register.  You will still receive school and District communications regardless of whether or not you activate your ParentSquare account, but to access the advanced features of ParentSquare, parents must register.  When users register their account, they will see post communication in one organized feed. Registering your account also allows you to download/login via the app, and receive app notifications.


Click here to Get Started