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Westborough School Committee Goals 2023-2024

Maintain Academic Excellence

● Review and utilize student achievement data, including MCAS, to monitor academic progress and identify areas for growth and improvement.

● Monitor and maintain rigorous curriculum Standards, including assessment of inclusion and co-teaching practices, as well as Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies that promote achievement for all students.

● Increase capacity of staff to recognize and respond to bias and continue programming to address diversity, equity, and inclusion.

● Maintain implementation of social emotional learning programming and support strategies that ensure a positive and productive learning environment for all students and staff.

● Continue to provide a safe and equitable environment for students and teachers to thrive

Governance and Policy

● Review, approve, and maintain proactive and aligned policies to support student success and academic excellence in conjunction with the Massachusetts Association of SchoolCommittees (MASC) and Massachusetts General Law.

● Enforce polices to ensure a level playing field for all students

● Assure that policies and procures remain accessible to parents and students

● Monitor implementation of the district’s strategic Plan Fiscally Responsible Budgeting

● Ensure all budgetary decisions are data driven to provide for the success of all students including Special Education and English language learners, in the district while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

● Ensure the budget adequately supports the district’s mission, vision and goals and secures necessary resources, as identified by the Superintendent, to implement the district-wide strategic plan.

● Continue to maintain buildings and grounds to help prevent large unforeseen repairs and expenses

  • Work with municipal officials in support of town financial planning and in concert with the town’s approved financial policies.


● Promote student and school activities, happenings and accomplishments through available communication channels.

● Include teaching and learning highlights and student recognitions at scheduled school committee meetings.

● Update parents and the community on facility needs and projects.

● Provide transparent, clear and consistent communication on all school issues with the community about the budget process and about opportunities to provide input.

● Maintain collaborative relations with legislative leaders.

● Review as necessary means and methods to receive information from the community associated with the responsibilities of the School Committee

