Technology Usage
- Internet Acceptable Use Policy
- Student Technology Responsible Use Policy
- 1:1 Chromebook Technology Program Overview
- Student Chromebook Program Agreement
- Technology Take-Home Liability
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Educational Purpose
The Westborough Public School District offers Internet access for student use. Access to the school network and the Internet System is a privilege, not a right. This document contains the Acceptable Use Policy for student use of the Westborough Public Schools' Internet System.
- Westborough Schools' Internet System has been established for a limited educational purpose. The term “educational purpose”includes classroom activities, career development and quality independent learning.
- The Westborough Public Schools' Internet System has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Westborough Public School District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on material students’ access or post through the system.
- Students may not use the Westborough system for commercial purposes. This means that students may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the Westborough Internet System.
- Students may not use the Westborough Public Schools' Internet System for political lobbying. Students may use the system to communicate with elected representatives and to express opinions on political issues.
- Westborough Public Schools filters Internet content in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act.
Student Internet Access
- All students will have access to the Internet information resources through their classroom, media center or computer lab.
- Students who use email will do so only for educational purposes.
- Students will promptly disclose to their teacher or other school employee any messages they receive that are inappropriate or make them feel uncomfortable.
- Respect resource limits. Students will use the system only for educational and career development activities and quality, independent learning. Educational use will be given priority.
User Guidelines
The following uses of the Westborough Schools’ Internet System are considered unacceptable:
- Personal Safety
- Students will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal contact information includes home addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
- Students will not agree to meet with someone they have met online.
- Students will not post personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal contact information includes home addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
- Illegal Activities
- Students will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Westborough Network System or the System’s Internet Access Provider.
- Students will not attempt to disrupt the computer system.
- Students will not use the system to engage in any other illegal act, such as arranging for the purchase or sale of drugs or alcohol, or engaging in criminal activity, or threats of any kind.
- Students will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Westborough Network System or the System’s Internet Access Provider.
- System Security
- Students are responsible for their individual account and should take reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no circumstances should students provide their password to another person.
- Students will immediately notify a teacher or the system administrator if they have identified a possible security problem. Students should not go looking for security problems, because this may be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access.
- Students will not download or install any software.
- Students are responsible for their individual account and should take reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no circumstances should students provide their password to another person.
- Inappropriate Language
- Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages and email.
- Students will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.
- Students will not post information that could cause damage or a danger or disruption to the educational environment.
- Students will not engage in bullying or personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.
- Students will not harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If students are asked by a person to stop sending messages, they must stop.
- Students will not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization.
- Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages and email.
- Respect for Privacy
- Students will not repost a message that was sent to them privately without the permission of the person who sent them the message.
- Students will not post private information about a person or organization.
- Students will not repost a message that was sent to them privately without the permission of the person who sent them the message.
- Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement
- Students will not plagiarize works found on the Internet. Plagiarism is defined as taking the idea or writings of others and presenting them as if they were your own.
- Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when someone inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, students should follow the expressed requirements. If students are unsure whether they can use a work, they should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law can be very confusing. If students have questions, they should ask a teacher or librarian.
- Any material that students obtain from the Internet and include in their own work must be cited and credited by name or by electronic address or path on the Internet. Information obtained through email or new sources must also be credited as to sources.
- Students will not plagiarize works found on the Internet. Plagiarism is defined as taking the idea or writings of others and presenting them as if they were your own.
- Inappropriate Access to Material
- Students will not use the Westborough computer system to access material that is profane, obscene, or pornographic, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature.) A special exception may be made if the purpose of student access is to conduct research approved by a teacher.
- If students mistakenly access inappropriate information, they should immediately tell their teacher or another District employee. This will probably protect them against a claim that they have intentionally violated this policy.
- If students' parents should instruct them that certain materials are inappropriate for them to access, the District fully expects that students will follow their parents' instructions.
- Students will not use the Westborough computer system to access material that is profane, obscene, or pornographic, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature.) A special exception may be made if the purpose of student access is to conduct research approved by a teacher.
Student Rights
- Free Speech
A student’s right to free speech applies to communication on the Internet. The Westborough Public School Network System is considered a limited forum similar to the school newspaper, and therefore the District may restrict a student’s speech for valid educational reasons. The District will not restrict a student’s speech on the basis of a disagreement with the opinions that a student is expressing.
- Search and Seizure
- All data stored or transmitted on school computers may be and will be monitored, and Students have no right to privacy with regard to such data.
- Routine maintenance and monitoring of the District system may lead to discovery that students have violated this Policy or the law.
- An individual search will be conducted if there is suspicion that a student has violated this Policy, or the law. The investigation will be reasonable and related to the suspected violation.
- All data stored or transmitted on school computers may be and will be monitored, and Students have no right to privacy with regard to such data.
- Due Process
- The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the District.
- In the event that there is a claim that a student has violated this Policy in their use of the District system, the student will be provided with a written notice of the suspected violation and an opportunity to present an explanation before the building Principal or administrator.
- If the violation also involves a violation of other provisions of student handbook guidelines, additional restrictions may be placed on a student’s use of the computer network.
- The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the District.
Limitation of Liability
- The District makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the District system will be errorfree or without defect.
- The District will not be responsible for any damage a student may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service.
- The District is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system.
- The District will not be responsible for financial obligations resulting from the unauthorized use of the system.
Personal Responsibility
When students are using the Westborough Public Schools' Computer Network System, they should understand that they leave "electronic footprints." Personal responsibility should always be considered. Unlimited use of the Internet is a privilege. Violation may result in denial of access to the network system. Consequences for violations of this policy are buildingspecific. This information is available upon written request.
We encourage and invite students to use the computer network to enhance their educational environment at the Westborough Public Schools.
Student Technology Responsible Use Policy
Student Technology Responsible Use Policy
By using the Westborough Public School district technology resources students are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy.
The Westborough Public Schools (WPS) provides employees and students with access to the districtwide school network, which also serves as our gateway to the Internet, and school issued technology. The network has been developed for educational purposes. It is intended to assist in preparing students for success in life in the 21st century by providing access to a wide range of information resources and the ability to communicate with people throughout the world.
The system/network may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any activity prohibited by district policy, including circumventing firewalls, filters, or access controls and/or accessing forbidden or inappropriate material.
The WPS utilizes and maintains a CIPA compliant content filter to reduce the risk of inadvertent exposure while recognizing that it will never provide assurance of complete filtering. To protect student privacy and ensure safety, the following guidelines are to be followed:
Responsible Use:
- I will use the Internet, network, and school devices for educationally relevant purposes.
- I will only use websites that are appropriate for student at my age level.
- I will respect the rights of copyright owners and will not plagiarize work that I find on the Internet or make unauthorized copies of digital media.
- I will not use communication tools (e.g., email, chat rooms, instant messaging, Facetime, Skype, Snapchat, etc) without teacher and parent consent.
- I will not download any files or execute attachments from unknown sources that I did not request or expect to receive.
- Using computers and the Internet at school and home is a privilege, and my teacher and the principal make the decision whether and when I may use it or not. If my behavior online is inappropriate, I may lose this privilege.
Manners and Respect:
- I will coordinate with teachers and/or librarians any large scale downloading and printing to prevent network slowdown and conserve resources.
- I will respect all school hardware and never load software or do anything to damage any equipment.
- I will not send, forward, access or post any material that is likely to be offensive, personal, or threatening to recipients or viewers. This includes personal social media accessed on school issued devices.
- I will not share my personal account information with anyone, use an account assigned to another user or leave the account open or unattended. I will not trespass, delete or tamper with anyone else’s files, folders, applications, or work.
- I will promptly inform a teacher if any messages I receive are inappropriate.
- I will only use email for schoolrelated communication.
- I will not send or read emails, access personal accounts or games at inappropriate times, such as during class instruction.
- I will not promote cheating in any way.
Roles and Responsibility:
- I will bring my device to school every day.
- I will be responsible for having my device’s battery charged and working.
- I understand that there will be consequences administered by the teacher and/or principal if I do not bring my charged device to class or if I violate any of the Responsible Use Policy rules. Uses for Student Email: Email can be a powerful communication tool for students to increase communication and collaboration.
- Students are encouraged to check their Gmail at least once per day.
- Teachers may send email to their students to communicate reminders, course content, and pose questions related to class work.
- Students may send email to their teachers with questions or comments regarding class.
- Students may send email to other students to collaborate on group projects and assist with school classes.
Monitoring Use and Expectation of Privacy
At any time and without prior notice, WPS reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store any and all usage of the network and the Internet, as well as any information sent or received in connection with this usage. The district reserves the right to temporarily block any device suspected of interfering with the proper operation of the network, school, or district or of posing an immediate risk to people or property until it can be demonstrated that the issue has been resolved. Students using district devices can expect the same level of privacy as from their lockers and students using personal devices can expect the same level of privacy as from their phones.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility:
Monitor student internet and social media use at home. Contact a teacher if any questions arise. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to monitor their children’s computer usage at home. When school issued devices are used at home it is recommended that they are used in a central location where supervision can be maintained. The student/family is responsible for the safety and condition of any district devices designated for their use.Violation of this policy could result in the revocation of all network access, detention or suspension from school, legal action by the authorities and/or other consequences as deemed necessary by the administration.
The Westborough Public Schools shall not be liable for users' inappropriate use of electronic resources or violations of copyright restrictions, users' mistakes or negligence, or costs incurred by users. The Westborough Public Schools shall not be responsible for ensuring the accuracy or usability of any information found on external networks. The Westborough Public Schools shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of personally owned equipment or data.
1:1 Chromebook Technology Program Overview
Westborough Public Schools
1:1 Chromebook and Technology Program Overview
Parents: please read through this entire document with your student |
Westborough Public Schools is excited to offer Chromebooks for 7th and 8th grade students enrolled in Gibbons Middle School, and 9th grade students enrolled at Westborough High. The Chromebook 1:1 program has been created to expand the tools and resources available to provide a 21st Century education to our students.
Westborough Public Schools Technology Vision
- We believe that the teacher-student relationship is central to creating and maintaining an effective learning environment.
- Technology will be used as a dynamic tool that will enhance teaching and learning, prepare our students to become innovative, knowledgeable, contributing members in the world community, and to be continuous learners.
- Technology will be used to support and enhance the learning environment.
- In an ever-changing world, technology skills are evolving at an unimaginable pace. Our students will need to know if technology can support their search for solutions when faced with a problem and if so, which technology should be used.
- Technology is a utility that should be available when and where needed.
- Westborough Public Schools will provide the necessary access, support, and environment for critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication for all stakeholders.
1. Acceptable and Responsible Use Policies
- The use of Westborough Public Schools’ technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of using the technology resources provided by WPS is not transferable, nor can it be extended to people or groups outside the district.
- These policies are provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a person violates any of the terms and conditions, privileges may be terminated, access to the school district technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. The WPS Responsible Use Policy shall be applied when necessary and is available in the Gibbons Middle School Handbook.
2. 1:1 Chromebook Program
2.1 Issuing the Chromebook
The Chromebooks on loan are the property of Westborough Public Schools (WPS). Your right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon your full and complete compliance with this agreement, the Student Handbook, the current Technology Plan, and the Responsible Use Policy. Failure to comply with any part of this policy may result in the student losing the privilege of bringing the Chromebook home for a period of time or other appropriate disciplinary measures.
2.2 Chromebook Check-in and Responsibility
Chromebooks must be checked in periodically for routine maintenance. WPS will be responsible for repairing Chromebooks that malfunction. Students must immediately report Chromebooks that malfunction, are damaged, stolen or lost to their teacher. If a Chromebook malfunctions, is damaged, stolen or lost due to neglect, parents will be responsible for the repair or replacement. Refer to the Technology Take-home Liability for District-Owned Devices document for details and limitations of the included Accidental Damage Protection that comes with the device. If a Chromebook is lost or stolen parents should immediately contact a member of our Administrative team either Mr. Nash or Mr. Foley.
2.3 Ownership
Westborough Public Schools is the owner of the Chromebook, and all hardware, software and accessories residing on or associated with the Chromebook. The Chromebook and all of its accessories must be returned to the school upon termination of enrollment or at the request of Westborough Public Schools.
3. Chromebook Care
The student is responsible for the general care of the Chromebook that s/he has been issued by the school.
3.1 General Precautions
The Chromebook is school property and all users will follow this protocol and the District’s Responsible Use Policy for technology.
- Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the Chromebook to prevent damage.
- Students are allowed to personalize their Chromebook in reversible and non-destructive ways, however please do not obscure, tamper with, or remove the labels affixed by the WPS technology department for identification purposes.
- The student is responsible for keeping their Chromebook’s battery charged for school each day.
- The Chromebook should not be left unsupervised in an unsecured area.
- The Chromebook should not be left in a place that can experience extreme heat or cold, such as a vehicle, as this is likely to cause damage.
3.2 Carrying a Chromebook
These guidelines should be followed to protect the Chromebook from damage:
- Caution must be used when the Chromebook is placed in a backpack or other carrying case. Avoid placing any pressure or weight on the Chromebook. Do not place objects on top of the Chromebook.
- Avoid placing any liquids near the Chromebook.
- Exercise care when carrying the Chromebook in the hallways. (e.g. Avoid walking with it balanced on top of a pile of books.)
3.3 Screen Care
The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screen is particularly sensitive to damage from pressure on the screen or Chromebook.
- Do not lean or press on the top of the Chromebook when it is closed.
- Do not jam, press, or squeeze the Chromebook, books, or other items into your backpack.
- Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the Chromebook.
- Clean the screen with a clean, dry, soft cloth. Do not use cleansers of any type.
- Do not “bump” the Chromebook against lockers, walls, car doors, floors, etc. as that can break the screen.
- Do not carry the Chromebook by the computer screen, always carry holding bottom of Chromebook.
3.4 Cord Care
The Chromebook comes equipped with a charging device
- Students are responsible for using these accessories to keep the Chromebook charged.
- Students must return the power adapter and cable at the end of the school year in good condition.
- Any damaged or missing accessories will be replaced at the cost of the parents: $35 for the power adapter and cable.
4. Chromebook Use
The Chromebook is issued for academic use at school at the direction of the teachers, and at home with parental supervision. Whether at school, at home, or elsewhere, students should not be using the Chromebook without direction from a teacher or guardian. Along with other electronics, use of the Chromebook is not permitted in bus lines, at bus stops, or on the bus. Social media is not permitted on school devices.
4.1 Chromebook at Home
Taking the Chromebook home is a privilege and when used at home, it is intended for academic purpose for the student to whom the Chromebook was assigned. It is not intended for recreational or family/sibling use. While at home, family rules will also apply to the school Chromebook.
The Chromebook is an essential learning tool for everyday student use. If the student leaves his/her Chromebook at home, s/he will be unable to work with the teachers and students at school to complete their assignments, to communicate and to stay organized. Consequences may be issued for being unprepared for class. If the student repeatedly leaves the Chromebook at home, they may be required to keep the Chromebook at school for a period of time.
4.2 Charging Your Chromebook Battery
Students will be expected to charge their Chromebook at home and bring them to school each day in a fully charged condition.
Westborough Public Schools encourages families to establish a ‘common charging area’ in the home rather than allowing students to charge/have their device in a bedroom.
4.3 Software/Apps
All required software/apps will be provided and installed over wifi by Westborough Public Schools using our management and deployment software. From time to time the school may add software/apps. Periodic checks of the Chromebook may be made to ensure the integrity of the software/apps.
In the event that a Chromebook needs to be replaced or reset, all apps and all data will be restored from the student’s Google Apps for Education account.
Installing unauthorized software/apps, “jailbreaking,” or any other unauthorized use is prohibited. Westborough Public Schools are not responsible for any related loss of software, photos, videos, or documents.
Upgraded versions of licensed software/apps will become available from time to time. Students should not perform updates to apps unless instructed to do so by a staff member. Students may be required to turn in the Chromebook periodically for updates.
4.4 Printing
Printing is available directly from the Chromebook while at school. Students may also print documents by saving their files to their Google Apps account and then printing from home or a networked laptop/desktop at school.
4.5 Use of the Chromebook Outside of School
Students are allowed to connect their Chromebooks to wireless networks outside of school. This will assist them with Chromebook use outside of the school environment. Special care must be taken to prevent accessing any inappropriate content including websites, images, text, etc. Westborough Public Schools are not responsible for any use or misuse of the Chromebook outside of school. Students who are found to have accessed or downloaded inappropriate content to the Chromebook, will face consequences in keeping with the WPS Responsible Use Policy.
Please note: the school district does not provide technical support for Chromebook usage outside of the school environment, i.e. setting up or troubleshooting a wireless connection at home.
4.6 Daily Use
Students have control over some Chromebook settings. These settings should only be changed at the instruction of staff, and settings should not interfere with classroom teaching and learning. Accessibility tools will be managed by the student as well at the instruction of staff.
5. Student Privacy
As part of Gibbons Middle School’s 1:1 program, students will be using commercial websites and online services (including mobile apps). These website and online services (including mobile apps) are carefully chosen to support specific learning goals and used solely for the benefit of our students and the school. Student use and account creation procedures will be directed and supervised by classroom teachers and other school staff members and will vary by service.
The Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regulates “the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by operators of commercial websites and online services (including mobile apps) directed to children under 13 that collect, use, or disclose personal information from children, and operators of general audience websites or online services with actual knowledge that they are collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13.” Westborough Public Schools are bound to comply with all regulations stipulated in COPPA.
When school districts “contract with third-party website operators to offer online programs solely for the benefit of their students and for the school system,” COPPA allows schools to “act as the parent’s agent and can consent to the collection of kids’ information on the parent’s behalf. However, the school’s ability to consent for the parent is limited to the educational context – where an operator collects personal information from students for the use and benefit of the school, and for no other commercial purpose.”
There is no expectation of privacy for any communication made using the a district owned device or for any content created or stored on the device. The district reserves the right to inspect the devices it owns as well as the contents on these devices at any time and for any reason.
6. Responsibilities
6.1 Student Responsibilities
- Students will maintain the Chromebook and keep it in good working order.
- Students will follow the rules of this contract and all applicable school policies.
- Outside of school, students will follow all Chromebook rules set forth by their parents and the school.
6.2 School and District Responsibilities
- The school will provide hardware, software, technical support and training to the best of its capability and within fiscal constraints.
- Staff will assist students with the proper care and use of their devices at school as outlined in this document.
6.3 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
- We recommend that Parents/Guardians keep student devices in a common family location for use and charging with adult supervision.
- We encourage Parents/Guardians to establish rules and consequences for appropriate home use of the district issued device.
- Parents/Guardians should ensure your student is following the Student Chromebook Expectations form.
- We strongly encourage our Parents/Guardians to contact immediately their child’s teachers, counselor or school administration if they have any questions or concerns.
The district reserves the right to modify this policy at anytime and issue a new agreement for your signature.
WPS 1:1 Chromebook and Technology Overview v. 20190814
Student Chromebook Program Agreement
WPS supplies students with Chromebooks in grades 7-9. When students are issued WPS Chromebooks upon entering 7th grade, they are asked to sign the WPS Student Chromebook Program Agreement, which is kept on file at the students' school.
Technology Take-Home Liability
Westborough Public Schools
Technology Take-Home Liability for District-Owned Devices
Like all district property in the custody of students, families will be expected to reimburse the district up to the replacement cost for any damage or loss to the device or its accessories. However since these are substantially more expensive than most other items students check out, the district has taken steps to mitigate the risk to families of a major expense by purchasing accidental damage protection for each device and a protective case for the iPads.
iPads: (grades 5 and 6)
- If the iPad is damaged it will be exchanged for a factory refurbished one and the family will be required to reimburse the district for the $49 service fee assessed by the vendor for the repair incident.
- The plan allows for a maximum of 2 repair incidents over the three year life of the device.
- Families will be required to reimburse the district for all repair costs for any additional incidents.
Chromebooks: (grades 7 through 9)
- If the chromebook is damaged it will be repaired free of charge up to a cumulative repair cost of $199, the initial cost of the chromebook.
- Families will be required to reimburse the district for all repair costs after the $199 threshold has been reached.
Lost or stolen device:
- If a district iPad or Chromebook is believed stolen, the family should notify the police and file a report.
- If an iPad or Chromebook is lost or stolen it is important to notify the school right away. The more quickly we can start tracking it down, the more likely we are to find and recover it.
- The district will work with the family to lock the device and activate geotracking.
- Families will be required to reimburse the district for a replacement unit if it is not recovered.
Repairs and Replacements:
- To preserve the district’s investment devices will be repaired by the district using an authorized repair agent, and replacement accessories will be from the original manufacturer.
- The replacement cost of a Chromebook with power adapter and cord is $199.
- The replacement cost of a Chromebook power adapter and cord is $35.
- The replacement cost of an iPad with power adapter and cable is $479.
- The replacement cost of an Apple iPad power adapter is $20.
- The replacement cost of an Apple iPad power cable is $10.
- The replacement cost of an iPad cover is $50.
- Loaner devices will be available for students to use in school while their device is being replaced or repaired. Hardship: Please contact the school if a reimbursement will pose a hardship to your family.
Rev 2.0, published 2019-06-25
Hardship: Please contact the school if a reimbursement will pose a hardship to your family.