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From the Director

From the Director

From the Director


February 2025

Dear Caregivers & Families:

Welcome February! The time of year when we are still experiencing the frigid temperatures, but looking forward to embracing the warmth of Spring and all it has to bring us.

The school year is beyond the halfway point, which indicates that learners are fully engaged in the depths of learning, assessment, generalization of skills, and social activities. The Student Services team along with their general education colleagues takes a UDL approach to lesson planning and instructional delivery to meet the unique needs and learning styles of the diversity of students in the WPS.  Supporting your child’s understanding of their individual learning style brings clarity to their success during their educational journey.

It is not too early to think about summer.  The Extended School Year program planning is underway. In the event that your child is recommended for summer services by their respective IEP TEAM here are the dates: Intensive Program - July 7  - August 7th | Moderate Program - July 7- August 6th.  Please note that there are some location changes anticipated due to summer construction projects..

  • Preschool age > Westborough Early Childhood Center 
  • K-3 > Fales Elementary School
  • 4-6 > Mill Pond School
  • 7-8  > Mill Pond School
  • 9-12 > Mill Pond School
  • BORO students > BORO Program

More details will follow including a registration link approximately mid-March. Once you receive your registration link, please register as soon as possible confirming your child’s attendance so we can plan educational programming to best meet your child's needs.

IEP 2.0 has been positive by all accounts. You should anticipate receiving the new IEP document in accordance with your child’s Annual Review or Three (3) Year Re-evaluation date. If you have questions regarding IEP 2.0, or general questions regarding your child’s special education services, please contact your child’s respective Special Education Liaison/Student Services Coordinator. Please be sure to review this WPS Parent Communication (3.14.24), as well as visit the DESE New IEP Implementation webpage online prior to your child’s first IEP Meeting.

The Student Services Department is extremely grateful for the commitment, collaboration, and feedback that we receive from caregivers and families to further inform and improve our practice.  If questions arise, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher, special education liaison, counselor, or Student Services Coordinator.  For your reference, here is a direct link to the annual Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards

A core value of the Westborough Public Schools is celebrating and supporting the diversity and unique learning styles  of all students in the WPS learning community.  




 If you would like information regarding a 504 plan please contact your child's Guidance Counselor at their school.


CHILD FIND: The Westborough Public Schools Child Find procedure mandated by state and Federal law in accordance with Federal law IDEA (formerly known as PL94-142) provides special education programs designed to meet the needs of children who are attending public schools as well as to support children who are attending private school at private expense and whose parents reside in Westborough. A screening and/or evaluation is provided to children ages 3-21 who are unable to progress effectively in a general education program due to suspected disability consisting of a developmental delay, intellectual sensory (hearing, vision, deaf/blind), neurological, Autism, emotional, communication, physical, specific learning disability, multiple or health impairment.
The Westborough Public Schools are committed to locating children before their third birthday in order to provide services for 3 and 4 year olds who may be eligible for special education. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sherrie Stevens, Ph.D. at 508.836.7700 ext. 2018, or
Sherrie Stevens

Sherrie Stevens

Director of Student Services
Student Services