Grades 7-8
PE, Health, & Wellness
PE, Health & Wellness Department Mission Statement
The Westborough Public Schools PE, Health & Wellness program is an integral part of the educational process. Our mission is to empower students to achieve and maintain lifelong wellness. Through the implementation of a comprehensive curriculum delivered in a positive and challenging environment, students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to accomplish this goal.
Learning Expectations
Physical Education, Health, and Wellness students are expected to:
- What they want relative to Health and Wellness
- How to make healthy decisions (decision-making)
- How to safely exercise and move
- Maintain an appropriate level of health (self-management)
- Core concepts of being healthy
- Why lifelong physical activity is important
- How our current decisions and other factors impact our health and wellness (analyzing influences)
Skill (Able to do):
- Able to figure out what they want and how to get there, prioritize and set goals (goal setting)
- Ability to access fitness activities/sports (wellness information to support wellness)
- Fundamental movement and sports skills
- Able to advocate for self and others
- Able to communicate effectively