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From the Director

Welcome to Westborough Public Schools Human Resources. We are here to provide you with a plethora of information that may be of interest to you! Our HR Team includes myself, Bernadette Noel (Human Resources Coordinator) and Subashri Vivekanandhan (Human Resources Associate). On this site, you are able to access quick links to find information about current employment opportunities, DESE licensure, ESS (Employee Self Serve,) DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,) WPS benefits, a link to the payroll/business office site, and our current bargaining unit contracts. 

Additionally, by logging into our Staff Portal, click HERE,  you are able to find staff specific information regarding leaves of absences, CORI, fingerprinting, letters of suitability, retirement and our employee handbook. These resources are for WPS staff only. 

You can contact our department by email at, or be directly emailing one of the three of us. We hope that all the information you need can be found on this comprehensive page, but should there be something missing that you would like to know about, please let us know.

Tammy, Bernadette and Subashri 

Tammy Costello

Tammy Costello

Director of Human Resources
Human Resources

Tammy Costello

Director of Human Resources

Bernadette Noel

Human Resources Specialist

Subashri Vivekanandhan

Human Resources Associate