English Language Learners
English Language Learners Department Mission Statement
The Mission of the Westborough Public Schools English Language Education Department at WHS is to empower students of all cultures to achieve academic success and become responsible, productive, and contributing members of a global society.
Learning Expectations
English Language Learners are expected to be:
Effective communicators who:
- Apply linguistic constructs appropriately in social and academic settings
- Become effective communicators in English
Critical thinkers and problem solvers who:
- Work toward becoming independent learners and self-advocates
Responsible citizens who:
- Learn about the culture of the school and how to navigate within it
- Learn about the broader culture of the U.S. and how to navigate within it
- Be responsible school citizens, helping others in the same process
- Respect others and their differences
Effective users of technology who:
- Show continuous growth in the four domains of language acquisition
Programming & Service Delivery