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From the Director

From the Director

The Westborough Athletic Department strives to offer student-athletes an experience that contributes to a well-rounded educational experience during a student’s time in Westborough. 

All members of the athletics department are charged with growing all students, not only as competitors in their sport and teammates, but also as good people who are responsible members of their community and leaders through the educational-athletics experience. 

We all work hard as coaches, players, and fans to represent Westborough well in everything we do- compete fiercely; demonstrate good sportsmanship on the field and in the stands before, during, and after contests; give back to our incredibly supportive community; take pride in our facilities; and positively challenge and support each other. 

Westborough currently offers 31 varsity team experiences with many additional junior varsity and middle school opportunities for all students of varying skills. Westborough is a proud member school of the MIAA and Midland-Wachusett League, commonly referred to as “Mid-Wach”. 

We invite all students to give athletics a try and welcome everyone to earn a role on our teams or otherwise in our department, or at the very least, to participate as a fan in the stands!

Go Rangers!

Levi Hanson

Levi Hanson

Director of Athletics