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Social Studies

K-3 Social Studies

In Westborough, the focus of our social studies curriculum is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to become thoughtful and active participants in our community, our democracy, and our global community. Our curriculum is aligned with the Massachusetts History and Social Science Framework (2018) which, in addition to educating students about the history of Massachusetts, the United States, and the world, supports the development of skills such as formulating questions, conducting research, evaluating sources, and synthesizing information.

Across our elementary classrooms, teachers engage students in history and social science curriculum and related activities that:

  • Develop our students’ critical thinking and analysis skills 
  • Build cultural awareness and empathy for people from various backgrounds
  • Represent a range of identities and perspectives to promote diversity and belonging
  • Support the development of research skills and help students to be critical consumers of information
  • Promote civil discourse and collaboration among students
  • Prepare students for civic engagement 
  • Empower students to make informed decisions and be agents of change

The goal of Westborough Public Schools history and social science instruction is to build strong analytical skills, cultivate historical curiosity, and promote informed civic engagement in our students. Through a combination of guided inquiry, project-based learning, and interdisciplinary study, students finish their K-6 experience prepared to become active members of our diverse democratic society.

Grade K Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 1 Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 2 Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 3 Social Studies Curriculum

Tara Gestrich

Tara Gestrich

Social Studies Coordinator (Grades PK-8)