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Grade 3 Science Curriculum

Grade 3 Science Curriculum

Westborough teachers use a combination of purchased science kits and teacher-designed curriculum that align with the 2016 MA Science, Technology, and Engineering Frameworks. We currently use FOSS, a research-based curriculum designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkley, for some units in K-6 classrooms.

Structures of Life: Students explore the structures and behaviors of various organisms and the variations in traits that may provide an advantage in survival. Students investigate the effects of water on different types of seeds and observe the life cycles of plants. 

Motion and Matter: Students explore the forces of magnetism and gravity and use data they gather to predict the motion of objects. Students use what they have learned about forces and motion to complete an engineering design challenge.

Weather and Climate: Students make and record observations of the weather to predict local weather patterns. Students consider how severe weather can impact communities and investigate various climates worldwide. 

Grade 3 Science Curriculum