Grade 2 Science Curriculum
Westborough teachers use a combination of purchased science kits and teacher-designed curriculum that align with the 2016 MA Science, Technology, and Engineering Frameworks. We currently use FOSS, a research-based curriculum designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkley, for some units in K-6 classrooms.
Pebbles, Sand, and Silt: Students observe, describe, analyze, and sort various Earth materials and explore how landforms change over time. Students also learn about Earth materials as natural resources.
Solids and Liquids: Students explore how materials are similar and different from each other and how the properties of materials relate to their uses. Students investigate the mixing of materials with various properties and learn that some changes to materials caused by heating and cooling are reversible and some are not.
Insects and Habitats: Students explore the environments outside their classroom doors to discover what insects and other organisms need from their local habitats to survive. Students compare two different environments to figure out why similar and different plants and animals inhabit each.