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Grade 1 Science Curriculum

Grade 1 Science Curriculum

Westborough teachers use a combination of purchased science kits and teacher-designed curriculum that align with the 2016 MA Science, Technology, and Engineering Frameworks. We currently use FOSS, a research-based curriculum designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkley, for some units in K-6 classrooms. 

Plants and Animals: Students observe growing plants and design terrariums to support plant and animal life. Students explore the variations in the same types of animals and plants and discover the relationships between animal and plant structures and functions.

Patterns in our World:  Students observe and track the positions of the moon and sun to discover patterns in the locations and appearance of objects in our sky. Students also consider patterns in seasonal change and their predictable impacts on the environment.  

Sound and Light: Students observe and manipulate sound and light to learn to how each is produced and can be changed. Students explore sound and light sources and receivers and investigate how sound and light devices communicate information.

Grade 1 Science Curriculum