Seal of Biliteracy
Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy
What is the Seal of Biliteracy?
The Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy is for any senior-year student who demonstrates proficiency in English and another language, whether it is spoken at home or learned at school. If eligible, a Seal will be placed on your high school transcript and you will receive a medal at Awards Night.
What is the goal of the Seal of Biliteracy?
The State Seal of Biliteracy aims to:
Encourage students to study and master languages
Recognize the value of language diversity
Provide employers with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills
Provide universities with a method to recognize and give credit to applicants for attainment of high-level skills in languages
Prepare students with skills that will benefit them in the labor market and the global society
Strengthen intergroup communication and honor the multiple cultures and languages in a community. * (taken from DESE website)
What are the requirements?
In order to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, you must be a senior and:
1. Demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English by satisfying the following:
Earn a score of 472 or higher on the ELA MCAS. ( A 455-471 will require an EPP and a qualifying score on ACCESS testing.)
2. Demonstrate an Intermediate-High or Advanced level of proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, and listening in a world language by:
Attaining a score equivalent to Intermediate-High or better on a state-approved assessment. The on-line assessments are available in most spoken languages. If your language is not available, we will work with you to create a portfolio to demonstrate your proficiency.
Since 2019, Westborough students have earned Seals in: Arabic, Bengali, Czech, Farsi, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Konkani, Korean, Japanese, Luganda, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Telugu and Twi.
What universities in Massachusetts award credit/placement for the Seal?
Currently several institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts provide language on their websites to provide credits for prior learning and/or advanced course placement for students who have earned the Seal of Biliteracy. Those public institutions include:
Bridgewater State University
Bunker Hill Community College
Cape Cod Community College
Massachusetts Bay Community College
Middlesex Community College
Mount Wachusett Community College
North Shore Community College
Northern Essex Community College
Quinsigamond Community College
Salem State University
UMASS Amherst
Worcester State University
This list continues to grow…
How to sign up for the world language assessment:
If you are enrolled in a Senior Year Language class at WHS, you will take your French, Spanish or Mandarin assessment during the Mid Year exam time in January of your senior year.
If you would like to take an assessment in another language, or are not enrolled in a course this year, the World Language Assessments will be given during school in February of your senior year. You will receive a sign up notification during December of your senior year.
Any questions?
Please write to
- Department