Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies Department Mission Statement
Social Studies promotes the pursuit of truth regarding human nature and behavior while developing responsible, well-informed independent decision-makers capable of perpetuating, and participating in a democratic society.
Learning Expectations
Social Studies students are expected to be:
Effective communicators who:
- Write with clarity and purpose
- Express well-informed opinions
- Actively participate in group discussion and debate
- Practice deliberate introspection and reflection
- Determine the reliability of historical sources
- Identify viewpoint and bias
Creative problem solvers who:
- Work cooperatively with others
- Draw inferential meaning from historic events and data
- Develop individual group hypotheses and conjecture
- Identify causal relationships
Responsible citizens who:
- Are aware of and understand the dynamics of current events and issues
- Are aware of and understand the complexity of democratic decision-making
- Engage in community activity and service
- Demonstrate objectivity and awareness of viewpoint
- Participate in cooperative decision-making
- Exhibit pride and effort in their work
Proficient users of technology who:
- Determine the validity and value of informational sources
- Practice effective research technique