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Social Studies

7-8 Social Studies

7-8 Social Studies

The Gibbons Middle School social studies department uses teacher-designed curricula that aligns with the current History and Social Science Frameworks. Teachers in each grade conduct common assessments and project based learning experiences that are scaffolded to accommodate all learners, ensuring a common and inclusive experience for all students. Throughout both academic school years, students will focus on developing their critical writing skills by making claims that are supported by evidence and reasoning. Students will develop a broader perspective on current issues by developing important history skills such as understanding the sequence of events, the ability to analyze and evaluate facts to make judgments, and exploring different perspectives to better understand the context and circumstances of past events.

The theme for 7th grade is Ancient Civilizations. The major units include Early Humans, Mesopotamia, Egypt, The Minoans and Mycenaeans, Greece and Rome. Each unit focuses on the following essential questions:

  • How does geography influence culture?
  • How does the environment force humans to adapt?
  • Why does one culture dominate another?
  • What role should the government play?
  • What role does religion play in developing culture?

The theme for the 8th grade social studies is government and the roles and responsibilities of both the government and its citizens. The students will be investigating how America was created and the influences that shaped our development, The American Revolution, The Constitution, Branches of Government, Political Parties and Elections, Civil Rights, and State and Local Government.

Grade 7 Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 8 Social Studies Curriculum

Brian Paulhus

Brian Paulhus

Social Studies Teacher, Department Head