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Grade 6 Science Curriculum

Grade 6 Science Curriculum

Westborough teachers use a combination of purchased science kits and teacher-designed curriculum that align with the 2016 MA Science, Technology, and Engineering Frameworks. We currently use FOSS, a research-based curriculum designed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkley, for some units in K-6 classrooms.

Waves and Planetary Science:  Students explore the ways that waves transfer energy, how waves are affected by the materials through which they pass, and how waves can be used for transmitting information. Students model the relationships between the sun, moon, and Earth to discover why we have a lunar cycle and eclipses. Students also consider Earth's place in the solar system and Milky Way galaxy and the role of gravity in the creation of solar systems.

Unity and Diversity of Life: Students contemplate what makes something living, and use microscopes to explore the structures and functions of animal and plant cells. Students then research various body systems and consider the interactions between these systems for sustaining life. Students participate in a design challenge to modify a body system and engage in argumentation to debate the benefits and drawbacks of each design.

Evidence of Earth's History: Students analyze and interpret data from the fossil record to describe organisms and environments throughout Earth's history. Students explore evolutionary relationships among and between fossil organisms and modern organisms. 

Grade 6 Science Curriculum