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From the Superintendent

From the Superintendent


Welcome to the Westborough Public Schools, a district committed to providing an academically challenging and meaningful educational experience for every child PreK-12 as well as for students programmed for beyond graduation in our 18-22 yrs BORO/Sugar Shack Program. With a talented faculty of over 730+ employees, spanning 6 schools, we are exceptionally proud of the opportunity to serve the Westborough community.

Westborough is wonderfully diverse, with over 34 languages spoken in our schools and we enjoy a vibrant cultural expanse of families. We serve about 4,000 students and the district prides itself in providing a wide range of course work, as well as extensive extra curricular programs.  We celebrate one of the most robust Fine Arts programs in the state with a complement of athletic experiences for students to match.  It is typical for a Westborough student to embrace the full experience of challenging course schedules, while participating in clubs, playing sports and excelling in the Arts as well. It is a hallmark of our schools that we focus on educating with a whole child focus.    

Westborough is a community of about 22,000 residents, with a vibrant community that grows well beyond that number as the work community arrives at Westborough businesses each day. The Westborough schools connect with the community to provide a wide range of community service experiences, from raising money to support town organizations, to providing music at events, community service clean ups, internships and much more.  Westborough is a community that is focused on forging connections.  The Westborough Public Schools is happy to be part of the mission to create connection, welcome and community.

Allison Borchers

Allison Borchers
